Becoming more introverted
I've realized recently that I am becoming more introverted - or at least becoming more aware of my introvertedness. I think I am still extroverted, but after hanging out in a crowd of people for a while, I just need some time to myself to recharge. There have been a few examples of this lately; the first was at the RASC-AL conference, and the second at my house the other night.
At RASC-AL, there were times when our GT teams would hang out on the deck, but I didn't want to join them. It was only after reading for a short while or relaxing by myself that I wanted to go be a part of the group. Textbook case of an slight introvert? Yup. And on Friday night, there were about 6 people over and we hung out for a few hours. Around 1 am, maybe it was a combination of my tiredness and my need to get away, but I left Lindsay to do the hosting for me. Or maybe I secretly wanted her to hook up with one of the guys... but I think it was more me just wanting to be alone. I never really want to be an introvert, and I still love hanging out with my friends, and I feel guilty when I need to get away, but I guess I can't help who I am.
Last night I went to McLean Bible Church, which has a contemporary service on Sunday nights. I was really content the whole evening- the weather was gorgeous, so the 30-minute ride there was fun; the music was new, yet upbeat and fun; and I could totally be myself, dancing, and singing, and praising God. I love it when people come with me (like my parents, who don't believe/don't go to Church), but sometimes it's great to have some introspective time to be myself while surrounded by (literally) thousands of people.
And lastly, I was talking to Lindsay the other day about my blog because I was wondering if my blog is different than how I act in person. What she said I think is fitting - that underneath it all, the two are the same, but my blog shows the side of me that I don't voice very often. This made me wonder whether I am really comfortable with everyone reading what I write, if I never speak about these things except to my closest friends. But for now, I think that's good for me.
New Pictures
Here are some pictures I've been meaning to put up.

Me at KSC with the Shuttle

Graduation, with my parents

207 Grads

More family after graduation
So many things
I just got back from a 6 day trip to a NASA-sponsored student conference at Cocoa Beach, FL where I gave my first technical presentation at a conference. It was quite the experience, and we did pretty well, apparently, because our team won the "People's Choice" award. We also had 2 days to chill on the beach, 3 days of conference (and we went out or chilled on the beach at night), and we went to KSC yesterday where we got to be within about 100 yards of the shuttle! Normally you can only get about 3 mi from it, so that was awesome. Another cool aspect was meeting people from other schools and talking to them about their programs and projects. So overall an excellent experience. I'll pick a picture up this weekend.
But so many other things have been floating around in my head lately.
I really want to go abroad again. Maybe to study or to live, but neither option is very feasible at this point. I just found out about a program at the International Space University ( in France, but it's only a Master's program in space sciences and space management. And even if I got that Master's, it would be hard to do a technical PhD afterward. What I would really like is a technical Master's with a more management/policy-focused PhD, but where can I get that? Let's hope MIT.
As I was in the DC airport last week going to Cocoa Beach, I was filled with the excitement of going someplace new, but I wanted it to be another country. There is excitement in the language barrier, in learning about new cultures and new languages, and in spending some time away from the parts of your life that are so normal to you now. But then again, I dislike the expense and not having enough time to really explore a new place. And then I realized that I was going to Florida, and couldn't I just be happy with the amazing things that I have. But we only live once... suggestions are welcome on how to do aerospace and travel. One person suggested traveling for a while before I get a full time job, but that's possibly 5 years from now... maybe a summer before then it can happen.
I also want to learn another language. French maybe? I'm not all that into Russian or German. But it seems that French might be valuable in the future of aerospace.
I started work again at the Aerospace Corporation on the 16th. I'm in the Performance Modeling and Analysis group with great supervisors, great pay, hopefully a clearance soon, and some interesting (although slow) work so far. I'm a little worried about fitting in enough work weeks while taking the time off I need to go on various trips (like Katie's wedding, the NASA fellowship orientation, and the beach with Lindsay). I should talk to my boss, but I hate bringing stuff like that up.
My first blog as an alum
I guess it's about time to really figure out all the forms of the word for "alum" so I don't misapply one of them. I guess I knew most of this, but it's always good to remember.
Alumnus - A male graduate
Alumni - Male graduates, graduates of both sexes
Alumna - A female graduate
Alumnae - Female graduates
It still hasn't quite sunk in that I graduated from Tech already; it feels like I'm home for another summer and will be going back in the fall. But no, I will be at MIT. I'm a little nervous about going there for graduate school. I honestly still have trouble believing I'm all that smart - I really just study hard and do well, and what if I can't study hard enough? I guess there's no purpose in worrying. I just want to have fun, learn a lot, and enjoy Boston. (Oh, and not freeze!)
This summer I am working at Aerospace Corportation in Northern Virginia and living at home. Lindsay is living with us this summer too, so I expect a crazy and fun summer. Hopefully there are good stories to come...
Why am I leaving Atlanta then?
American Cities That Best Fit You:
70% Atlanta |
65% Austin |
55% Honolulu |
55% Las Vegas |
50% Denver |
Graduation, T-2 days
Wow, I'm a big blog slacker. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I don't even know where to begin. I've been so busy the last few weeks that I haven't had time to sit down and think about the fact that I am graduating. Every once in a while I'm walking (or riding) around campus, and I think "This could be the last time I go to Junior's for the french toast special" or "This is a gorgeous park that I never really noticed before and will never have a chance to notice again." And the people. It's always strange at the moments in our lives to realize that we might not see our not-as-close friends and acquaintences again. I have moved enough to have gone through this before, but it's different than leaving high school, for example, because we all have a "home base" to return to over the summers where we can meet up again. I have a feeling I'll see some of the Aerospace people around in the future, but what will happen to the rest? And my roommates. I will miss you all sooooo much. I never imagened that I would get along so well living with 5 other girls, but I woudn't have traded it for the world. You all are amazing and I love you.
Well it's time for me to stop being sappy for the night because I have this strong feeling that it's just gonna get worse this weekend. Adios for now. :-)