Sunday, September 27, 2009

Time is wasting, Time is walking

Wow, Amy and Rebekah are going to be so happy! I'm updating my blog!

Something I've been thinking about lately is time. We now can pause a movie, rewind on TV, return an unwanted item, and undo on the computer, but as each second passes, I can never get it back. That's downright frightening. (Perhaps because I am pretty scared of death and the end of time as I know it.) How many seconds pass where I am wasting precious moments. But then I think about how utterly exhausted and imbalanced I would be if I tried to fill every single second of every single day. And what about sleep?! That's super unproductive. I wonder why we were made to need sleep. Whether you believe in God or evolution or a mixture of both, why do we need so much sleep? You think natural selection would have kicked that habit by now. But back to passing time. I think more now about how I spend each minute that I am awake, and not that every minute can be a life-changing and meaningful event, I want them all to have a purpose. What do you think about time?


At 8:46 PM, Blogger r g said...

You're right, I'm thrilled to be able to spend my time reading about how you spend your time :)

I think I'm going to go with an old standard here to describe my thoughts on time:
"Oh, if life were made of moments, even now and then a bad one! But if life were only moments, then you'd never know you had one...let the moment go, don't forget it for a moment though."

At 11:28 PM, Blogger Biff said...

Ohhhh, now that song is stuck in my head! But good choice. :)


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