Monday, May 30, 2005

Becoming more introverted

I've realized recently that I am becoming more introverted - or at least becoming more aware of my introvertedness. I think I am still extroverted, but after hanging out in a crowd of people for a while, I just need some time to myself to recharge. There have been a few examples of this lately; the first was at the RASC-AL conference, and the second at my house the other night.

At RASC-AL, there were times when our GT teams would hang out on the deck, but I didn't want to join them. It was only after reading for a short while or relaxing by myself that I wanted to go be a part of the group. Textbook case of an slight introvert? Yup. And on Friday night, there were about 6 people over and we hung out for a few hours. Around 1 am, maybe it was a combination of my tiredness and my need to get away, but I left Lindsay to do the hosting for me. Or maybe I secretly wanted her to hook up with one of the guys... but I think it was more me just wanting to be alone. I never really want to be an introvert, and I still love hanging out with my friends, and I feel guilty when I need to get away, but I guess I can't help who I am.

Last night I went to McLean Bible Church, which has a contemporary service on Sunday nights. I was really content the whole evening- the weather was gorgeous, so the 30-minute ride there was fun; the music was new, yet upbeat and fun; and I could totally be myself, dancing, and singing, and praising God. I love it when people come with me (like my parents, who don't believe/don't go to Church), but sometimes it's great to have some introspective time to be myself while surrounded by (literally) thousands of people.

And lastly, I was talking to Lindsay the other day about my blog because I was wondering if my blog is different than how I act in person. What she said I think is fitting - that underneath it all, the two are the same, but my blog shows the side of me that I don't voice very often. This made me wonder whether I am really comfortable with everyone reading what I write, if I never speak about these things except to my closest friends. But for now, I think that's good for me.


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