My first blog as an alum
I guess it's about time to really figure out all the forms of the word for "alum" so I don't misapply one of them. I guess I knew most of this, but it's always good to remember.Alumnus - A male graduate
Alumni - Male graduates, graduates of both sexes
Alumna - A female graduate
Alumnae - Female graduates
It still hasn't quite sunk in that I graduated from Tech already; it feels like I'm home for another summer and will be going back in the fall. But no, I will be at MIT. I'm a little nervous about going there for graduate school. I honestly still have trouble believing I'm all that smart - I really just study hard and do well, and what if I can't study hard enough? I guess there's no purpose in worrying. I just want to have fun, learn a lot, and enjoy Boston. (Oh, and not freeze!)
This summer I am working at Aerospace Corportation in Northern Virginia and living at home. Lindsay is living with us this summer too, so I expect a crazy and fun summer. Hopefully there are good stories to come...
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