Thursday, January 03, 2008


So I have 3 resolutions, but they are phased.

The first one started about 2 weeks before New Year's, and that was to stop dating, or even making out with, jerks. That started successfully because I wanted to ditch this guy, and it seemed to be a good time, even if premature for resolution-making. It's been quite easy since my parents came a little after I made the resolution, but I'm sticking to my guns!

The second resolution was to go vegetarian, for real, starting New Year's Day. The only thing I really eat is some turkey and chicken. But no more! My brother has been hounding me for a while that the treatment of chickens is just as disgusting as the treatment of other animals. I don't eat red meat because I think it's gross to eat something that was living, and the treatment of animals in factory farming is unethical. And chickens are treated just as badly. "Free-range" farms are not regulated, so it's hard to find truly free-range meat. In addition, I do find eating meat gross, so I don't even really want to eat free-range chicken. I haven't gone fully vegetarian in the past because of laziness in cooking, but I should no longer be lazy. It's time to go to Whole Foods, spend some $$, and get some healthy, yummy, meat-free food.

Finally, I have put on a few pounds from all this travel for work and the holiday food. So once my parents leave (and I'm not eating out every night), I will lose 5 pounds, exercise consistently, and eat less dairy. I am not ready to go fully vegan, but I want to use soy milk and maybe soy yogurt. Dairy animals are not really treated any better, so limiting my dairy will be a step in the right direction. Especially if I learn to cook with all the right nutritional value...

Here's to 2008!