Thursday, May 05, 2005

Graduation, T-2 days

Wow, I'm a big blog slacker. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I don't even know where to begin. I've been so busy the last few weeks that I haven't had time to sit down and think about the fact that I am graduating. Every once in a while I'm walking (or riding) around campus, and I think "This could be the last time I go to Junior's for the french toast special" or "This is a gorgeous park that I never really noticed before and will never have a chance to notice again." And the people. It's always strange at the moments in our lives to realize that we might not see our not-as-close friends and acquaintences again. I have moved enough to have gone through this before, but it's different than leaving high school, for example, because we all have a "home base" to return to over the summers where we can meet up again. I have a feeling I'll see some of the Aerospace people around in the future, but what will happen to the rest? And my roommates. I will miss you all sooooo much. I never imagened that I would get along so well living with 5 other girls, but I woudn't have traded it for the world. You all are amazing and I love you.
Well it's time for me to stop being sappy for the night because I have this strong feeling that it's just gonna get worse this weekend. Adios for now. :-)


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