A Party Mission
Eric and I are on a mission. A not-so-ordinary, out-of-the-comfort-zone sort of mission.
Our goal? We are looking for a party this weekend where we know very few people.
Why post about it? Because you can help!
If you know of something going on this weekend in a circle not quite my own, let me know. :-)
Muchas gracias.
I also keep meaning to post in Spanish, but I never get around to it. I guess because I feel bad that my English speaking comrades won't have a clue what I'm saying and babelfish will inevitably mess up the translation. Maybe next time...
Summer Decision
So I've finally decided to stick to NoVA this summer. It was a tough decision (and even tougher today when I heard about someone who was interested in me at JPL, but I already decided last Saturday.) I'm going to be working at The Aerospace Corporation, though. I will be getting a clearance and will be able to work on some cool/fun stuff, especially since they know me now. And logistically, going out to JPL for like 9 weeks isn't all that of a good idea. So I can once again hope that next summer I will make it back out there. Aerospace will be good for me because I can live at home and hang out with old friends and work out with Eric at the nice gym in the NRO. And I was also happy with myself that I was happy with my decision even after this crappy week, if you know what i mean. ;-) I keep saying I want to go back to JPL, and I really do, but this summer just isn't the right timing.
I've also heard back from GT and Colorado, and I'm visiting Colorado (and Rachel!) in mid March. So 2 out of 8 responses so far. Hurry up people! GT is already breathing down my neck for an answer, and that makes running into my potential advisors at GT an oh-so-fun experience.
On a completely different topic, gymnastics has been killing me recently. I just started working on a bar routine again, and I'm hurting all over because of it. I cracked my toenail the other night, I have bruises on both thighs, I ripped some skin off the back of my leg, and Monday I got whiplash from trying to learn a new skill. And I keep on going for two reasons: we don't have enough people on bars, and it's fun to learn new skills! I've been in a rut for a while, and it's so nice to just be coming out of it. So I guess I'll keep on with the pain, and maybe be a little more careful? Haha, yeah right. But if you're free 3/2, we have a meet against Emory at 8 pm. And 4/2, we have a meet against pretty much all the teams in the southeast. So you should come out and see lots of
hot girls in
little clothing.
Fitting Lyrics
It's just not fair. I totally saw this going differently in my head.
For once, some fitting lyrics, and it doesn't hurt that I love Marc Broussard. Too bad the boy is me!
Staring out the window
Watching the world go by
Sometimes it's as if God
Takes too long
Why don't I just take my own life? (Ok, so that part isn't fitting.)
But then my better sense kicks in
Sit back and take a breath
Why am I thinking like that?
I'm only thinking of myself
Slow down, boy
Momentary setback
Don't take it so fast
Slow down boy
You'll make it back
Quick, fast, in a hurry
Standing at the water's edge
As my dreams float by
I can't remember a time
When anything went right
I might just keep stepping on
Into the river's arms open wide
But I'll hang on and ride
Pray the night
Every life is a gift
Holy light
Slow down boy, relax
Momentary setback
Don't take it so fast
Slow down boy, relax
You'll make it back
Quick fast in a hurry
Slow down boy
Slow down boy, relax
Momentary setback
Don't take it so fast
Slow down boy
You'll make it back
Quick, fast, in a hurry
When would you rather not know the truth?
I would almost say never. I think communication and the truth is so extremely important in any friendship or relationship. I know a blog isn't the best place to put down feelings such as what's coming, but it's nothing you haven't heard.
What if you can't understand the truth? My mind is doing mental gymnastics trying to figure this all out. I don't like the back and forth. I don't like the pain. I don't like that there could be more pain. I don't like that we're on two different wavelengths when it comes to dating. I don't like that you feel something is missing because I'm not her. But I also don't like the idea of not seeing you.
There are a lot of things I could say about getting over a first love. Believe me, I've been there. It sucks and maybe you're afraid of getting hurt again, but like you said:
Love, it doesn't like to give up.
When it hurts, it just keeps hurting.
But when it's good, it can be amazing.
Exactly, it can be amazing. And, although "love" might be a big word to throw around, it deserves the chance to be amazing.
I think of Tom Cruise in a "Few Good Men" when he says "You want the truth? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!" I'm afraid tonight I almost couldn't handle the truth. How does one learn to control emotions? Or should we even bother trying to hide those feelings for other people? Jen commented that we don't truly live until we experience not only the joy, but also the pain, of relationships. We learn and grow from pain, and it's not something we should be afraid of. I think I say that so that maybe I can convince myself it's true...
My eyes are tired, and I think 5 hours of sleep two nights in a row doesn't cut it for me. Perhaps there will be more tomorrow.
Another way to procrastinate
1. Reply with your name
2. I will write something about you.
3. I will then tell you what song/band reminds me of you.
4. I will tell you who you remind me of, celebrity/animated/fictional or otherwise.
5. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
6. Put this in your journal.
What people have said about me:
2. You are the most anal-retentive girl I've ever met, but I say this in a good way. You also have the best beer pong skills of any girl.
3. "Freaky Girl", by Kraft/Shaggy
4. You remind me of Biff from "Back to the Future".
5. 4.0 (not a word, but ohh well that's what I think of)
2. You have been instrumental in keeping me sane these past (almost) four years and I'm glad we're hanging out even more this semester.
3. Basically anything Maroon 5, Marc Broussard, and the like
4. Hermione Granger - though not the annoying class know-it-all aspect, much more the always working aspect =)
5. Adroit
A summer debate
In response to Livia's request I update, here I am. I guess I haven't written because nothing monumental has happened other than the fact that I actually have
free time (who knew it was possible?) and I'm content with life right now. Senior design this semester isn't an exercise in our teacher beating us to death in the AE lab every night for 3 weeks straight, and my group is meshing very well. I agree with Emily in that I have finally found a group of people I LOVE spending time with and greatly miss when I am away from them. It makes me sad to think about graduation, and I just hope that we can all take the initiative after we leave GT to keep in touch and visit one another. And this makes me very happy...

I guess I do have one big decision to make right now, and that is what I am going to do this summer. Aerospace Corporation has offered me a job similar to what I did last summer (writing computer programs to analyze satellite and orbital data), but this time with a clearance. I could live at home, save rent, get a clearance, hang out with friends, see my parents, make some good money, etc. Or, Dr. Braun has offered to help me find a job at JPL in something at least related to engineering. I would like to work at JPL again, and living in California is always an adventure, but rent is high, it's far away, and I'm not guaranteed a job. The catch here is that I have to decide about Aerospace (and whether they should put in the request for my clearance) this week/weekend. I've been thinking about it for a week and still haven't made up my mind. Any thoughts on the subject are welcome and appreciated!