Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Summer Decision

So I've finally decided to stick to NoVA this summer. It was a tough decision (and even tougher today when I heard about someone who was interested in me at JPL, but I already decided last Saturday.) I'm going to be working at The Aerospace Corporation, though. I will be getting a clearance and will be able to work on some cool/fun stuff, especially since they know me now. And logistically, going out to JPL for like 9 weeks isn't all that of a good idea. So I can once again hope that next summer I will make it back out there. Aerospace will be good for me because I can live at home and hang out with old friends and work out with Eric at the nice gym in the NRO. And I was also happy with myself that I was happy with my decision even after this crappy week, if you know what i mean. ;-) I keep saying I want to go back to JPL, and I really do, but this summer just isn't the right timing.

I've also heard back from GT and Colorado, and I'm visiting Colorado (and Rachel!) in mid March. So 2 out of 8 responses so far. Hurry up people! GT is already breathing down my neck for an answer, and that makes running into my potential advisors at GT an oh-so-fun experience.

On a completely different topic, gymnastics has been killing me recently. I just started working on a bar routine again, and I'm hurting all over because of it. I cracked my toenail the other night, I have bruises on both thighs, I ripped some skin off the back of my leg, and Monday I got whiplash from trying to learn a new skill. And I keep on going for two reasons: we don't have enough people on bars, and it's fun to learn new skills! I've been in a rut for a while, and it's so nice to just be coming out of it. So I guess I'll keep on with the pain, and maybe be a little more careful? Haha, yeah right. But if you're free 3/2, we have a meet against Emory at 8 pm. And 4/2, we have a meet against pretty much all the teams in the southeast. So you should come out and see lots of hot girls in little clothing.


At 11:38 PM, Blogger StoopidShoe said...

Hooray for NoVA and and working out!

And you'd best believe I'll be at those meets =)


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