Friday, February 11, 2005

Another way to procrastinate

1. Reply with your name
2. I will write something about you.
3. I will then tell you what song/band reminds me of you.
4. I will tell you who you remind me of, celebrity/animated/fictional or otherwise.
5. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
6. Put this in your journal.

What people have said about me:
2. You are the most anal-retentive girl I've ever met, but I say this in a good way. You also have the best beer pong skills of any girl.
3. "Freaky Girl", by Kraft/Shaggy
4. You remind me of Biff from "Back to the Future".
5. 4.0 (not a word, but ohh well that's what I think of)

2. You have been instrumental in keeping me sane these past (almost) four years and I'm glad we're hanging out even more this semester.
3. Basically anything Maroon 5, Marc Broussard, and the like
4. Hermione Granger - though not the annoying class know-it-all aspect, much more the always working aspect =)
5. Adroit


At 6:17 PM, Blogger StoopidShoe said...

Alright, I did you, now you do me! ;-)

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Biff said...

2) Whether it's the greatest day in the world or I am feeling down, seeing you always puts a smile on my face. You are an amazing friend, and it seems you're just as dirty as I am!
3) It's the same for you and Lindsay - Rockapella. And the song Where Would We Be? fits pretty well. Except for the lovin' part. ;-)
4) Darius helped me with this one, but Lieutenant Data from Star Trek. But not for personality - you just kinda look like him. :) There are lots of smileys.
5) True

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Biff said...

2) Even though I yell at you for saying mean things when you're drunk and for making assumptions when we do homework, I will always be happy to look at crappy modern art with you. :-)
3) Baby Got Back. We all know you like a good ass.
4) Sponge Bob Square Pants. Other than the name "Bob", if you take away the water and put Sponge Bob in a cubicle, he reminds me of Dilbert, and as much as you complain about work and stupid people there, you remind me a little of Dilbert (not looks of course). So therefore, you remind me of Sponge Bob.
5) headstrong


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