DC fun and not so fun
Man, 11 days since I've posted - my bad. I think since I'm working I forgot to blog-stalk other people and therefore don't realize I need to keep up with it too.So last night was awesome. Lindsay and I went to dinner with my parents, then we went to the Sculpture Garden in DC where they have free jazz concerts on Friday nights (which we definitely have to go do again with a picnic dinner). We met up with Lindsay's friend from school, Diana, and her roomie and enjoyed the gorgeous evening and good music. We then hit up My Brother's Place (a bar near The Capitol) and got hit on by some guys about our age (a definite plus for that bar). Diana had promised to meet up with some other interns at a restaurant, so they took the metro over there, and we headed over a little later to meet up with them. We walked the 15 blocks because it was a beautiful night, and I really enjoyed getting to see more of DC. The other interns were cool, and it was nice to talk about something other than engineering all night. (Not that I don't love my engineering/nerd discussions, but it was nice to have a different focus. I think I need to expand my circle of friends more often.) We hung out with the new people for quite a while and headed home a little before midnight. I realized when we were walking back that I think I could really get used to being 20-something and living in a city. Here I come Boston!
On a totally different note...
Right now I need to get some thoughts out so that maybe I can change. Lately we've been going out maybe once a weekend to DC or a bar or some get-together a friend is having. When we do go out, we have a great time, so why in the world aren't I going out more? I think I used to try to plan ahead for evening and weekend activities, which doesn't really work well in college, so I learned to be more laid back and go with the procrastinators flow. Eventually, we made plans and most of the time followed through. It was easy because parties were closer and we were used to staying up late and sleeping in a little. But now, I'm at home in Northern Virginia and at least 30 minutes from everything. So, when we wait to plan something, it doesn't work all that well since it's 11 p.m., we're not dressed, and again, the party is half an hour away. So I guess it'll be my goal to plan things out a little more ahead of time so that we actually do the thing we want to go do. And not that I'm picking on anybody in particular, but other people planning and following through with plans would help too.