Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Random summer update

Things have been pretty good lately. I've been working out a lot, going to church, playing volleyball with the group, seeing old friends, and all those good things summer is about. My favorite thing? Not bringing home any work to do! Although it is weird how much time I spend watching TV now that I don't have to do homework every night. But the TV watching has been minimized by going out and hanging out with friends. I can't believe it's already mid-June, and there is so much more I want to do! I'm getting excited about moving to Boston, and I am forgetting about the weather and extreme amount of work that it will also entail.

It just started getting hot around here and then our house's AC went out. This is totally unimportant, but I realize how little I care about how hot it is, unless I'm dressed up and ready to go out. I wonder where I got being comfortable in heat from...

Something I wanted to get out but not write a whole blog about is regret. I normally don't regret anything I do or don't do, but in a recent week, I wish I had had more balls so that I might not regret the small thing I regret now. Strange me not having the guts to do something, isn't it? This is also really vague, but oh well. So the moral of today is to go headstrong into the world, tell your loved ones that you love them each time you see them, and live your life fully each day. :-) And this feels like the end of Sesame Street (minus the use of the word "balls"), so today's letter is "R" and the number is "7"...for no reason at all.


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