Saturday, February 04, 2006

Playing hooky to ski

So on Tuesday night at 10, I decided it would be totally fun to go skiing the next day. I wasn't focused at work that day, I wanted to get a day in before the Space Systems Lab ski trip next weekend, and IAP (the period over which we don't have classes and just have to work) was almost over. So I got 2 of my officemates to come with me, and we went to Loon, in New Hampshire. It was a gorgeous day with few people and great conditions. I kept thinking of every run how great it was to be there and how happy I was that I made that spur of the moment decisions. It's wonderful - I'm becoming more relaxed, less anxious about work, and more willing to skip out on a few responsibilities just because it makes me happy.

Nareg and George convinced me to try the black diamonds, which was the first time I'd attempted those since I stopped skiing back in eighth grade. I think it was partly slightly easier conditions and my new helmet, but I'm getting to be a much more confident skiier.

That night, we came back for Wine Wednesday, then I had an awesome time hanging out afterwards, salsa dancing and listening to Alex sing and play the guitar. What a frickin great day. Thursday was productive, and Friday we had an awesome Mars Gravity party, where we watched Office Space and ate lots of good food (including an ice cream sundae bar, yum).


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