Saturday, January 07, 2006

2005 was Awesome

I think I alluded it to in my last post, but I keep thinking about how awesome 2005 was. I won't deny there weren't times when I was horribly stressed out, upset about friends or people of the male persuasion, nervous about starting anew, etc., but I can't let those overshadow the fun I had and the new person that I am.

The beginning of the spring was marked by me being able to relax on school nights. Normally I worked/went to gymnastics every night and never took time off for myself. But at the beginning of the semester, I was able to take time off for myself to have fun with friends. Toward the middle of the semester, I got more busy with work, but I still managed to take time out for myself. Thank goodness for not being the gymnastics president anymore! That spring I also got brave with boys. That was a very enlightening experience because of all the positive feedback I got - both from him and from everyone else who was around when he got my note. Then, 2 short months later, I graduated. That was an amazing time because I had so much family around, yet it was so very sad to say goodbye to all my friends and leave our amazing 207 family. I still haven't found anything like you all here in Boston, even though my friends & roommates here are great.

Then came the summer. Lindsay lived with me and my parents this summer, which was great. Northern Virginia was a whole world now that I had turned 21. We met a new group at Carlos O'Kelly's and started hanging out with them on a more regular basis. We could now hang out at new places, run into people from middle school (which was way weird at times), do karaoke on Thursdays, dance on Fridays, drink with my brother (whom I never hung out with much socially), make new friends. Ldwag and I also had a little challenge of our own, which we met handily. I'm proud of my influence. 0:-) She and I also went to the Dominican Republic, which was an amazingly relaxing, sunny, and alcohol-related trip. Actually, we really didn't drink that much if you can believe me.

Then came the end of the summer, my 22nd birthday (which was awesome, btw), and my move to Boston. I was horribly nervous about what Boston would be like, MIT, the challenges I faced, etc. My parents were amazing in helping me move, and I really couldn't have done it without them. But let me tell you, I was wrong to worry about life here. I am more relaxed than I ever was in undergrad, Boston is a great town, the people (oh yes, and the boys) here are awesome. This might not be the case in future semesters, but I will cherish this last semester. I joined the women's club hockey team, and I started dancing rueda regularly. I also joined the concert band, but I might have to drop that next semester, sadly. I really hope that I can keep this attitude towards life and this ability to relax, not work all the time, and to do what I enjoy. I'm finally learning to live life to its fullest, however cheesy that sounds, while still being able to keep up with my work.

All in all, 2005 was one of the best years yet. Here's hoping that 2006 can measure up.


At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

biff!! i found your blog =)


At 5:19 PM, Blogger Biff said...

Yay! I'm glad you can entertain yourself on here. Maybe I should mention again, then, how awesome it was to hang out with you and Dave skiing before break!


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