Tuesday, December 20, 2005

First ski of the season

Not only was this the first ski trip of the season, but this was the first time I've been skiin gin 8 years! I went to Sunday River this past weekend with D and his roommate, and we stayed at the Snowriders ski cabin. I had a great time with the fellas, and D and I finally DTRed (Defined the Relationship, for all you non-GTers) and decided this was just a fun weekend and that's that. Even though I know that's probably the best for me, and I'm ok with it, it's never the best conversation to have. But it was a damn good weekend! Now it's time to pack, finish a million little things, and head home tomorrow!
In ski news, the conditions were pretty good, and it snowed today, so while it was cold, there was some fresh powder. It was great skiing with everyone because they pushed me to go on runs I could handle but was scared to. I have more faith in myself and less fear of heights, but I still stay faaar away from the trees. And I thought about Melissa M. a lot today since it's the first time I'd been skiing since she died. We miss you.


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