boys, church, research... you know the drill
I feel forced to update my blog because it's been an atrocious 20 days since my last update. I was hoping a grand idea would come to me as I'm typing, but I'm two sentences in with no luck. Kenny commented to me today that he wasn't sure what was going on in my love life because I haven't been writing in here. But I don't really think I'm willing to talk about that because I don't want to jinx myself. I guess I can say that previous (i.e. last semester's) interests are not being pursued. I dislike that I am oftentimes the aggressor, but it's my personality type, and I can't help it. Some guys I talk to like that, but others say it's too much and too desperate for a woman to be seeking out a man unless she is amaaaaaazing, as one put it, but I don't think I fall into that category. But then again, maybe I need more self-confidence and just do my thing.On a different topic, I think I have finally found a church that I really love. It's Cambridgeport Baptist, but despite the name, is totally contemporary and has very few traditions. The people are very welcoming, it's not a huge church, the time fits in with my dance and hockey practices, the music is fantastic, and so far the sermons have been very applicable, which I find key. I'm really excited I might have a church home!
Research is going well, and I've actually started outlining and writing the first section of my thesis. We did a satellite bus design competition that went, well, not so great, but the final presentations are tomorrow, so that will be the true judge. Maybe after that I'll tell you about the pains I've gone through the last two weeks.
In other news, my parents are coming today! And I need to go skiing more. And I need to do more cardio. They're little blog reminders to myself. :-)
Woohoo! I made the blog. I'm famous! --Kenny
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