Sunday, December 11, 2005

Partying and Thinking don't tend to go together

My I don't really have any cohesive thoughts at the moment, but I didn't want Rebekah to have to study (see the last blog's comments), so I had to post. Classes nearly over, so last week was a hellish week of projects and papers for my classes. But there was nowhere near as much stress as there ever was at GT. It's times like these, though, that I feel guilty for not taking another class this semester. Funny how I can feel guilty, yet the semester is almost over.

Surprisingly, MIT has made me a more relaxed and party-type person. I think it all started when we went out to the city or some sort of social event during orientation for 10 straight days. Maybe that marathon helped me build up my stamina for being around people. Now, we're doing something as a group both nights every weekend, which was a rare occasion for me at GT (man I sound like a fun person). I was thinking about this last night, when, after getting home from a friend's place around midnight, instead of going to bed, I went back out when a friend called and invited me to a party. I knew that I would get less sleep, have to walk in the snow, and have to be social and meet new people, but I went, and it was awesome. I really like the new, more relaxed Biff, and I hope I can keep this up next semester.

And now to the jumble of thoughts, that, of course, deals with boys. So what I really need to do is stop being a hypocrite and actually communicate with boys about what's going on between us. Instead, I feel like I don't want to be too pushy, or I want to wait until it's a little more obvious or the guy has something to say. There are other issues too - when you're already friends, you don't want to make it awkward by bringing those sorts of issues up and then end up not being on the same wavelength, but then you just wonder. I value communication in a relationship, but I myself am not very good at communicating at the beginning. I guess I should be more confident, but I'm afraid opening my mouth will mess things up. Any comments out there on this one?


At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for something to read! You're the best. Can't say I have any insight in the communicating thing though. I haven't done the beginning of a relationship thing in so long...But good luck. And anyway, you're amazing, so a guy would be crazy not to jump at any chance you give him :) Hope you're having an awesome day!

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I maintain that a guy needs to pursue you to be worth your time. You want a really interested guy - not a guy who only realizes he's interested after you've brought it up. You know you want to be pursued. And inside, guys want to pursue to fulfill their masculinity. Only real men can take chances like that.

At 11:41 PM, Blogger Biff said...

Thanks to both of you. I've been thinking lately that I pursue too often and don't let myself be pursued, but that's not my personality most of the time. But tonight a very sweet and cute boy asked me out, so we'll see how that goes. :-) And I'm being irresponsible this weekend and going skiing with another, um, friend. Should be good times.


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