Sunday, November 27, 2005

No guilt for hockey

So about a month ago, I joined the women's club hockey team with other commitments to the concert band and to myself to learn rueda (salsa). After I joined hockey, rueda switched the dance practices to conflict exactly with hockey on Sundays. Rueda practices twice a week and hockey 4, but I can only ever make 2 or 3 practices. I never really felt badly about going to both rueda practices and the 2 hockey practices that don't conflict. Until today. Because of Thanksgiving, I haven't been to practice this week, so the decision today between hockey and salsa is a tough one. I really want to go to salsa, but we have a scrimmage tomorrow (which I'll skip rueda for), so I should really go to hockey.

But who and what determines "should"? The more I go to hockey practice, the more I'll get to play in games, but I really just want to salsa today. It's not that I don't like hockey - I love getting out there and learning new skills while sweating out my aggression, but I just like salsa more. Then I feel guilty, though, for skipping hockey to go to salsa, even though I'm skipping salsa tomorrow for hockey. I need to realize that this guilt is only internal and it doesn't have to be there. I'm doing these activities because I like them - not out of an obligation to someone else. So I'm going to go and remember that this is all just for fun.

Oh, and go see Rent - it's awesome.


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