Monday, July 24, 2006

Summer is too busy

I need to vent off some steam, so I'm going to take a few minutes to blog at work. I'm getting frustrated by Mars Gravity and its lack of staff. We need an administrative assisstant (or at least I need one!), and those jobs often falls on the managers and Rosie, which it shouldn't. We also pay admins in the department, but they don't actually do much work for us. We actually pay multiple people that do no work for us! This is especially frustrating to me because I am still trying to get Mars Gravity to pay me next year, and I need $18,000, which they are having trouble setting aside. And I work my @$$ off for them.

Which brings me to my next complaint. Summer is supposed to be FUN and relaxed, but I have a meeting (or 2) every day. Each meeting, of course, requires preparation and work to plan it, especially since I am leading most of them. And then I get assigned tasks at each meeting, which just increases my workload even more. I'm more convinced that I need a secretary. And Mars Gravity isn't even paying me! I would like to work on some of my paper that's due at the end of the summer for Valencia, but I can't seem to find time. The Mars Grav list just keeps growing, and I don't have enough time (while still having some semblance of a life) to get it all done. I need help, but all the other managers are busy with their own teams. I can't lead two teams with 10 undergraduates (total) and expect to get anything done myself. Talking about this right now isn't really helping like I thought it would, so I think I'll stop.

Another annoying thing I would like to get ahold of is everything I do outside of class too. Tonight I have three things I am supposed to be at at the same time, and I can't seem to not let anyone down. Why do I have to feel guilt? Let's get rid of the concept and the feeling, please. Can't I just pour it down the drain with my spoiled milk? That's where it belongs. Yet I can't because I don't want to let anyone else down. But eventually I'll be letting myself down.

I need to stop posting and get back to work. :-(


At 3:24 PM, Blogger beru said...

Hello from France. Good blog
see you...

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, knowing me you know I must respond to your posts. It seems to me the more often I respond the more guilty you'll feel and the more you'll post. No, just kidding. But seriously, I completely understand the guilt thing - but I think it's such a problem because the way we think and the way we were brought up, it's much easier to justify doing something for someone else than it is doing something for yourself. Which is a beautiful thing, but it doesn't work if other people don't share the same feeling. So then your actions, whether or not they are motivated by guilt, are not reciprocated - when you do something for someone else, they don't necessarily do something for you. That's when the guilt sets in, I think. Not that any of this is at all helpful to you...and I wish I had some advice, but I'm stuck in the same place really. And this comment is getting super long so I'll cut it off in just a second after I say good luck and you can do it. So, good luck. You can do it. :)

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

beef, beef, beeeeeeeef. you need to take some time off for YOU. sounds to me like you are spreading yourself way too thin. take some time off to take a nap in the park. or lay on the couch by yourself and blast your favorite music. or sit at a coffee shop or a nice bar and read a book (for pleasure...not for work or school!) for hours.

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have changed somewhat since undergrad, but one of the things about you that haven't is your craziness including your dedication to EVERYTHING. I know it's hard, but you have to remember that you're not superwoman and you can't do everything. I know I put pressure on you to hang out with me while I was in town, but remember that we're bonded unconditionally so I'm not gonna abandon you or not be your friend just because you don't show up to a dinner or something..
Anyways, RELAX, hang out with a HOT guy... enjoy yourself... life's too short to stress so much!

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Biff said...

I think I have to agree mostly with Amy, although I definitely understand Rebekah and Hannah. I am doing too many things, but I do them because I don't want to let others down. But I'll let myself down if I don't take time for me. I'll work on that. I'm also going to work on better time management (checking e-mail less and turning off IM at work) so that I can maybe get more done during the day.

I promise to take care of myself, and you commenters rock!


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