Beth's Wedding
Last weekend was Beth's wedding, and it was an awesome time. First of all, it was in Northern Virginia, so I went home for about 3.5 days. Thursday night my Uncle Kurt was in town, so we brought him to karaoke at COK, which was a blast. I embarrassed myself thoroughly by singing an explicit song, but he told the waitress we were dating, so I think we're even. And Kurt was kind enough to treat us to drinks, so that was really nice.Friday I hung around and tried getting rid of unneeded stuff in my room, which is always hard for me to do because I'm an incessant packrat. But I made a lot of headway this time around, so I can be somewhat proud. Friday night, Lindsay, Chrissie, and I went to Pentagon City to shop, eat Lebanese food, and drink wine. We of course had an excellent time girl-talking, and there were lots of items on which we needed to catch up and compare notes. 0:-) Two soldiers came over to hit on us at one point, and, honestly, even though I wasn't attracted to them, they did an excellent job. I can't say it's easy to walk up to three girls and strike up a conversation with all three that doesn't end up lingering too much on one person. I need to take lessons from those men!
Saturday was the wedding, and it was great. Almost all of our group of high school friends were there, and we definitely became the slightly obnoxious ones at the wedding. Someone has to be the life of the party and take up singing at the table, mosh-pit dancing, I need to go on? And free beer and wine had probably only a fraction of something to do with that behavior. I've drank plenty with this group before, but besides karaoke (which not everyone had been to), this was by far the most fun we've had. And the best part of the night was giving Beth the book "The Guide to Getting It On" just a few minutes before they left for the evening. How perfect. :-)

Sunday Lindsay came over to watch the World Cup, so I'm glad I got extra time with her. I was sad to go Sunday to return to this mess of a life because I really love my high school friends, and I love being home for a while. I really do love Boston, but I loved the more carefree feeling of being in Virginia with people I've cared about for a long time.
Going to weddings is getting a little less surreal, but I still can't believe we're old enough to get married, especially when I've known the bride since before she could drive. I can't imagine what it feels like for the family! Ok, sappy time over.
On a completely different note, I like blogging because I like people reading my thoughts and being able to catch up with what's going on with my life. I don't mind that we aren't necessarily talking all the time for you to hear about me, but I want to hear about you too! So start a blog! The one beef I have with it is that I'm tempted to write very personal things on my blog, but I don't want to, but I also don't want to write them anywhere else because then I'm updating two journals. So all those thoughts I want to write get bottled up inside. And spilled at Girl's Nights...
Thanks for updating! I check way too often in the hopes there'll be something to read :) And as for me starting a blog, I'm bad enough at talking about life, no way I'm writing about it...but don't worry, I'll keep reading yours anyway. :)
time to update! :)
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