Friday, July 07, 2006

Girl Time

Jen and Kristy came up for the end of the weekend and July 4, and let me just say I love those girls! I miss talking about everything and anything. I miss doing horribly stupid yet funny things and being my complete self. I miss the reassurance and the advice they provide. I miss 207! My MIT friends are great, and maybe there just hasn't been enough time to get close, but these relationships are at a different level. And tonight I went out with Lindsay and Chrissie, and we also had a great Girl's Night talking about everything on our minds.

Odis got his orders to King's Bay, GA, but instead of leaving in October, he's leaving in August. :-/ It's great for him, and I can tell he's really happy, but it just makes everything with "us" more difficult. But he's amazingly considerate, attentive, caring, communicative, and attractive ;-), so I'll be sad to see him go...

I'm very tired now, and Beth's wedding is tomorrow, so I hope to be back on soon to tell you all about it!


At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 10:01 PM, Blogger Jen said...

awwwww I second (triple?) that!!!! I love you guys too!!! sniff sniff tear whine!


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