Thursday, June 01, 2006

How the tables have turned

I've been wanting to blog for three days now, but I've just been so busy. I had six interns start yesterday, and preparing for and briefing them has been a big time-consumer. They're starting to get a little more settled now, which is good, but I have to constantly stay on top of them to make sure they're on the right track. They're doing well so far, though, even if it's only been two days, and I'm happy to be working with them. I just wish they were working on my research and not general Mars Gravity work. ;-)

We also had an ice cream social yesterday for the graduate students, faculty, and staff. It went really well, and we had a huge turnout for our department. Everyone really enjoyed it, and it just makes me happy that we do all the social activities that we do so that we can get everyone to take a break and mingle with other people in the department.

Finally, to what I really wanted to blog about...
So I've gone out on a few dates with this guy who lives about an hour and a half away. Things are going really well, but he has to move (he'll be re-stationed) in October (or around then) this year. We actually already talked about this fact, and he wants to not worry at all about the fact that the October move is coming. And my first reaction is that I can't do it. But then I think back about how those exact words came out of my mouth last fall, and I truly believed them. Why is this different?

When I was going through this with someone last fall, his prospective move date was 7-8 months away, and now it's 5ish months away. Maybe that seems like a huge difference to me? Maybe I see it as potentially hurtful (for both parties) and unproductive for my long-term needs? This might be analyzing the situation way too much, but after a "shorter" amount of time, I see two people breaking up if someone moves, but with a longer amount of time, you are more likely to stay together. I know I shouldn't think this far in advance, but I have to admit that's what went through my head. Moving is the crappy thing about being a student (or being in the military) - people's schedules just don't seem to overlap in the right way.

So I guess my plan is for now to not have a plan and see how it goes, as Lindsay so aptly suggested...


At 6:39 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

i agree - moving sucks! but you can't live that way. You have to take a chance with something. And 5 months later the worse that can happen is you find out that distance won't work. so you slowly move on. I'm not looking forward to it - and I've only got 10 days to prepare!

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's being restationed....if he's in the military my advice would be, as fast as you can in the opposite direction!!!!! for your own sake.

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm with matt on this one.

At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

amy is smart...listen to her:)

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biff Biff Biff, how can I procrastinate on my work if you haven't updated your blog???? Hope you're too busy doing fun stuff and not working too hard :)


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