Thursday, June 15, 2006

Brokeback Mountatin

So I finally watched Brokeback Mountain last night, and it really wasn't all that great. Even with the slow, seemingly methodical development of characters, it still didn't seem credible. Maybe if I were a gay man, this process of events would be more realistic, but their story had me wondering how gay they really were. I do understand that some gay men have wives and some lesbians have husbands, but Ennis' and Jack's trists seemed to be more of a matter of convenience at first and a means of "getting away" as the story progressed. It became more apparent that both of them were really homosexual as the film progressed, but I think this part of the story was too ambiguous.

Both men, though, do seem unsettled and uncomfortable with the fact that they are at least partly homosexual. This desire to feel and seem "normal" applies to everyone, but after talking with some of my friends a while back, I do know for sure it's a feeling many gay people have. It's difficult and trying to be different, and sometimes getting rid of traits you were born with just seems easier than living with them.

Overall, I think this is a decent movie with great acting and gorgeous scenery shots, but it has been overhyped and overpraised for its social significance. The movie is overrun by conventional thoughts on homosexuality, and to the average movie-goer, I think the bigger (and more tolerant and understanding) picture will be missed. But I'd be remiss in writing a blog about this movie without saying that Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger and hottttttt. (You didn't think I could be serious for an entire blog, did you?)


At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do i think you spent the entire movie trying to picture what it would be like if you were in between the 2 guys? a lil Biff Sandwich action goin on:o) lol


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