Friday, June 09, 2006

MIT Graduation, but not for me (yet)

It feels like I just posted, but I was kindly reminded that I have indeed not and need to get back on top of my blog! My days are just going by so quickly because I'm working on so many different things - my own research for my thesis, a conference paper, and training and helping my new interns. I have seven interns working so far, and I'm supposed to get a few more international students in the weeks to come. So my days fly by, which really isn't something to complain about too much. I was worried I would be extremely bored without classes, and so far the summer has proven the opposite.

The weight loss is going alright, but slower than I wanted. But then again, I'm not being too strict on myself at all. I'm down 4 pounds with 2 more to go, but I have a feeling the last 2 will be the hardest.

The last random thought on my mind is that today is MIT's graduation. They don't have enough room for all the family and friends, so they broadcast it live through MIT's website. It was pretty cool to be able to watch while working and just see what it's like and catch some of the speakers. That's a whole lotta smart people in one place! It made me a little homesick to see all the parents and family with the graduates, so I'm glad my parents are coming up in two weeks to go to Cape Cod. And then I'll be home just after that for Beth's wedding, so we'll get a little more time together. Seeing graduation also makes me miss Georgia Tech a little. I missed it a month ago when I knew GT had its graduation, but seeing everyone in robes and thinking about moving on from undergrad brings back wonderful memories from down South. I have to say I'm glad I've moved on and am not there for graduate school, but today I'll admit I miss it more than a tad. But we go onward and upward (and in my case, northward!).


At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, Georgia Tech. I hate to admit that sometimes I miss it too...

And I am very glad you are not yet graduating. I know you are super smart, but that would just be scary.

Thanks for updating and giving me a few minutes of freedom from the tediousness of finding a solvent to dissolve my polymer...ugh...


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