Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'm feeling unsettled, and I don't quite know why. With my move this week, I think I am balancing too many things and trying to organize my thoughts, clothes, stuff, life in general too far in advance. But I don't think that's all of it, yet I can't place my finger on it.

Maybe it'll help if I talk about how I got my life more settled this weekend. I finally planned my trip to Salt Lake City, and I'm going to take two extra days at the beginning to sight-see in Utah. Except I had to miss to church because I finally got word I could go, and I didn't want to wait any longer to buy the tickets. I also organized my music and got rid of a lot of songs I don't listen to. I started packing, but it's hard to do it in chunks, so that's a little unsettling. I also did some good work on website, but there is still so much more I should do before Utah (and in order to write my paper for Valencia). How did this list start to become a list of unfinished things? Arghh.

I hate how I left things with O; I should e-mail him, but I don't know what to say...

One way I can tell when I'm stressed/nervous/anxious/etc. is that it's hard to take a deep breath. It's just really annoying because I have to concentrate on getting enough of a breath, and I have to work at yawning. It's a telltale sign, though, that something is going on in my head that I should definitely force out of there.

And I feel unsettled because I never get to hang out enough with friends. I see my salsa friends at least twice a week (because of practice), and that and work are interfering with my time to go out with MIT friends, Ben and Adele, Oren, Kristy, etc. I'm sorry for not having enough time for you.

My blog is starting to be a one-way therapist. Well I guess not quite one-way, because I have my awesome commenters. :-) So I haven't really resolved anything, but I think I just need to try to relax, breathe, and take a vacation as V suggested. And what a good distraction he is. ;-)


At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how I am always the first to post a comment. It must mean I check your blog a little too much. :P

Anyway, here's my advice - I'll keep it short and sweet - keep breathing, as tough as it is, it's the only way to stay afloat. And sometimes you just have to concentrate on that and not everything else. So, breathe in, breathe out, repeat. :)

And remember we're all here for you regardless of how much time you have for us.


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