Saturday, April 22, 2006

Just Stop Smoking

I went to see Thank You For Smoking tonight with some dance friends, and I walked away from it thinking two things. 1) We need to question more what people state as fact and 2) everyone should stop smoking - now. The film doesn't dwell on the dangers of smoking. There is nothing as extreme as dying 40-year olds that need oxygen masks 100% of the time to live and have laryngeal cancer. It's the satire and biting humor that got to me. With that kind of tone, you can't help but think how stupid it is to smoke.

I don't think everyone will see the movie and feel it was another convincing argument against smoking. A number of reviewers stated that this film would do well on college campuses and with the university-minded. It made me wonder if those types of people will feel the same way I did, or if I'm just odd, and anything that has even the slightest overtone of being against smoking will make me raise my banner and march along with them. But truth be told, dearest blog readers, it's stupid, so please quit.


At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Help! I can't stop spontaneously combusting! ;)


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