Sunday, March 05, 2006

Annoying Responsibility

Sometimes volunteer jobs can be annoying. Like right now I'm Aero/Astro co-social/orientation chair, and I'm planning a dinner for the new grad students' visit day, which happens to be the day before our Spring Break. Smart planning MIT. So the problem comes in that I want to go to LA Friday to hang out with my best friend Lindsay, who will only be there till Sunday midday (I'm going to LA to go to JPL on Monday to visit with my NASA mentor). But if I fly out Friday (the latest flights are around 6 pm), I miss the dinner. And I feel horribly guilty (and worried that something will go wrong) if I'm not there at the dinner. But can't I just plan everything ahead of time, keeping my co-chair Ted in the loop, and just not be there for dinner? Sounds like it could work in practical terms, one can only hope. So, because I love Lindsay, and because life is short, as Bryan pointed out, I'm going to try it, and I pray to God everything works out ok and the exec board doesn't fire me from the job I volunteer to do.


At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's how volunteer jobs always are - they expect you to be excited about everything and work extra hard. I think you're doing the right thing - you volunteered because you wanted to, you didn't promise to be there at every waking moment just in case something didn't go as planned. Good for you :) Have fun!


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