Monday, February 06, 2006

A positive spin on theft

I was at church yesterday, and while we were in the sanctuary, someone came in and stole 5-6 items from the coatroom, including wallets and a backpack. After the service, everyone hangs out for a light brunch, and they made an announcement that someone was missing their wallet. Then someone interjected that their red backpack was missing. A few minutes later, they reported 5-6 personal belongings were gone, and people should notify their credit companies. Then, the person standing on the chair, asked everyone to pray with her. She asked for the safe return of the items, but then, she also asked that God be with those who took the wallets. As she went on, a murmur of "amens" echoed around the room. The lady on the chair asked God to bless the people who took their items because they need help and they need God. She didn't get angry; she got hopeful. In a similar vain, during the sermon about the "Sanctity of Life" a few weeks ago on the Roe v Wade anniversary, the first words out of the pastor's mouth was that it's ok if you've had an abortion or have dealt with those issues; you are welcome here, and you are loved by God.

These are messages of warm welcoming and love for ALL people, not of hate because you made a bad decision in God's eyes. That's what Christianity is all about. He still loves you and forgives you, and they have no reason to turn away from the church. After four weeks, this church has proven to me that it could be exactly what I am looking for in a church. Some place welcoming, caring, loving, energetic, and personal all at the same time. Come check it out with me some time. :-)


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