Saturday, November 12, 2005

Boys are just as confusing

Let me talk to you boys out there for a little while about the female mind. It's very important that males and females alike understand how different our minds see a situation. Most recently, I've been in situations where (don't get me wrong, I have a ton of fun) I end up confused. Here are some confusing things:
When you act sweet, but only want some play. I guess thinking back you do this because you know it's what we like, so it'll most likely help your cause, but it's confusing.
When you tell us you like us one day, but change your mind the next day. Where did all these roller coaster boys come from? Or maybe it's just me and bad ex-girlfriend karma.
And this one comes from a friend - Being overly nice after we've broken up. While being friends after dating is great, we need some time before we can be friends, otherwise it will be mistaken as you liking us again.

I must have bad ex-girlfriend karma because it seems I'm running out of luck with the guys I'm falling for. There's been two cases now where he wasn't over his ex-girlfriend. What are you women doing out there to these men?? ;-)

Now I'm off to salsa dance with some hott men. I've decided salsa is a great way to meet guys who happen to have things I like - they can dance and they're (most likely) Hispanic. Mmmmmmm.


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