Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Frustrated and Happy

I have this odd feeling of being frustrated and happy at the same time. Nothing seems to go right in the long-term relationship area, but life is great, and I'm having a great time every day. Tonight was like a scene from Dirty Dancing, but with more clothes and no sex. After band practice, I went to the dance room in S&P with Adam, who's from Panama. We practiced our salsa moves together and ended up laughing as much as practicing and, in general, having a ball. Tomorrow is Wine Wednesday, which Lucy and I are hosting, and we're going to have a bunch of people over to drink wine and jus thang out. For some reason, I've been looking forward to it all week, even though I know certain people can't come. It's things like this that make me look forward to each day, but it's the long term that's frustrating and unsettling. I know I need to stop thinking about it and just let things happen, but that's sometimes too hard.


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