Friday, March 24, 2006

On the other side of visit day

The potential new graduate students are visiting MIT today for their Visit Day, and it's odd to think back a year and remember the crazy experience that is visiting graduate schools. I think I took six plane trips in one semester while nervously waiting to hear back from the four schools and three fellowships I applied to. It was a great time of good news and stress (researching all the schools, making good impressions, etc.), but now I don't mind being on the other side. I am orientation chair of the Graduate Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (GA3), so I have been helping out with the preparations for today.

On Tuesday, we called all the incoming graduate students, which is something I've never done (nor put together) before. Our grad admin was extremely helpful in helping me to organize this, and we had about 15 current grad students come to call the 120 or so admits. It was nice to know people are interested in pursuing new graduate students, and the department was willing to help us out to do so.

Last night (Thursday), we took anyone who was interested (and in town) to the Thirsty Ear for some karaoke. I heard so many comments about how they were surprised that we actually go out on Thursdays, party, and in general have a good time. I think the students liked it, but I'm eager to get feedback about the events we've planned.

The final event I'm in charge of is dinner out tonight for all the new prospective students. We have 79 (!) people coming to dinner at Bertucci's. The department is being great again and paying for everyone (last year we had to pay for basically our whole meal). It seems all we have to do is ask for a reasonable amount of money, and they give it to us! It's such a far cry from scraping every penny up for the gymnastics team.

It's fun to create all these social opportunities for new students (and for continuing students). Eric made fun of me for being so different than undergrad, but I hope I wasn't that boring in undergrad! haha. ;-)

And to please Nareg, boys (well, one in particular, perhaps) are good. :-)


At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is to a few of your blogs:
Being aggressor is not a bad thing, especially for a engineering major. Most of those guys need some help to get moving.

Aggressive in pursuit but feminine in charm is good!

By the way, looking awesome!

Good luck.


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