Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Busy bee..err... yellow jacket

Eric and I had the same thought today about the fact that I haven't posted lately. I'm sorry. :-( It's just that I've been really busy and gone from school again. Major things that have happened?
I decided on MIT for graduate school. It really was the toughest decision of my life, but I'm still glad I chose MIT, even though I'm quite nervous and not 100% confident. But I know I need a change of pace and perspective, and I would regret thinking I had "settled" for GT or gone to Stanford just to enjoy the gorgeous weather. MIT's program is awesome, and it will be a great experience. And now I can finally weat that MIT shirt I bought when I was thinking of going there for undergrad.
Our senior design team did well at our review, and we won a trip to a conference in Florida in May. We just found out the launch was rescheduled for when we will be there, so I hope we get to catch that.
Gymnastics Nationals was awesome. We had a really good time, and we competed well for our small team. They're super pumped about next year and having everyone back from studying abroad, so I hope they do well. I was sad it was my last meet, but I did some good routines and had a great time, so it was an excellent end to my time on the Tech team.
As for graduation, I can't wait for this crappy school work to be over, but I'm getting sentimental! I agree with Jen's and Emily's blogs about this whole subject. I don't really feel like talking about it cuz it'll just make me sad. So, on a happier note, my parents come tomorrow, and despite all the work I have to do and the fact that they'll be down in 2 weeks again, I'm really happy they're going to be here.
Alright, back to work. I promise I'll update more when it gets closer to graduation and I have a little less work.


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