Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Competing in Gymnastics

So I do it every year. I always invite my friends to watch us compete at our home meets in gymnastics. But what makes me the most nervous about meets? Having people I know there. And I guess it's worse this year because of the new skills I am competing and the fact that I don't feel ready (but I guess I never totally do). Because of our small size this year, we need people to compete events they normally don't compete. So I am competing vault and bars, both of which I haven't done since high school.

I just learned a new floor routine (like literally 4 practices ago), so I'm not up to par with my last routine, and the tumbling is thrown half-assedly in with what little breath I have.
I just got over my fear of vaulting (like literally 2 practices ago), so that's not refined at all.
I haven't done bars since high school, so I've been forcing myself up onto that tortoruous aparatus these past few weeks.
And beam. Well beam is just scary.

And this would all be ok if I were generally at a higher skill level than I am. But I'm not. It's hard when you really get into gymnastics when you're 15, and you only do it 3 months a year for your high school team. It's not like I'm looking for a pity party; I just want to get these thoughts out there. And I still want everyone to come to the meet and cheer loudly for the entire Tech team. :-)


At 12:50 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

You know as well as I do, just have a shot of vodka before you get on the beam and everything seems a little less painful ;)


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