Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The first time I slept through my alarm...

was today! I have an 8 am class every Tuesday and Thursday, and I set my alarm for 7 this morning and slept right through it. I've never done that before!! I don't even think I've really skipped a class without an excuse, and here I go missing the third class! I guess I should shut up now because I sound like more of a dork than I am, but I mean, jeez, what's gotten into me? So I started the day off restful but pissed off. But the little things made it all better...
At the gym, Livia and I were talking and Kamber came up, and she said I looked like I was in really good shape. And this coming from a person who I think is in great shape made me feel extra special. Lesson? Tell people they look really good. Instant friend points.
Then David came over and I made pancakes and potatoes, and breakfast for dinner is so damn good. Don't you agree? I know Melissa will, but her breakfast consists of just cereal, not quality menu items like chocolate-chip pancakes. So anyways David and I talked after dinner and we're going to keep dating. So yay for all the supporters, and boo to the one naysayer. ;-) (I guess I haven't really written much about this dilemma because I wasn't sure how much was appropriate to write, but Joey and I broke up and we're still friends, and I started dating David. But we weren't sure how to deal with this because of graduation looming so near. But screw May, let's jsut have some fun!)


At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! cereal *is* a quality breakfast item! ;-)

~guess who :-P

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Livia said...

I promise always to wake your ass up! :-)

I'm jealous - Smelly didn't comment on mine!


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