Sunday, January 30, 2005

Oh the frustrations of being a responsible adult under 25

So my friends and I would like to go to Florida for spring break and rent a house. I somehow found myself being the one to do all the grunt work and have, therefore, had a few unique frustrations. First, when planning a trip like this, it's pretty important to know exactly how many people are interested so that I can find the right size house. You might think one person being wishy-washy is a pain, but try 6 people. In addition to this pain, about 75% of the places out there don't rent to people under 25. It seems that the rest of our age group has behaved so badly on other people's property, that no one will trust you as soon as you mention the word "college". I was on the phone with one guy who, when I tried to explain we aren't there to party a lot, we just want a place to relax, actually laughed at me. Why do you get to be a jerk to me just because you remember when you were 21 you couldn't get laid and therefore had to resort to alcohol and breaking things for entertainmnet? Needless to say I'm getting annoyed with the whole thing, but I'll keep chugging along because we all really, really want to go.


At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone laughed at you?! :-( Just tell me who and where to go, and I'll take care of him ;-)

And I just want you to know that we all appreciate tremendously what you are doing and how much work you've put into this; I'm sorry that some of us (myself included) just add to your frustration at times :-( We love you though, and I am confident this trip will be amazing!


At 6:44 PM, Blogger Livia said...

Sorry we're frustrating! But aren't you glad it's set and that we'll get to have AE dork time?

Oh, by the way - update!


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