XOT in Boston
Let me just say that I laughed harder this weekend than I ever have in my life. Hannah came up to visit from GT for the weekend and stayed with me, while Laura came down from Vermont to visit and stayed with Davene. We all met up for dinner and drinks at the Cactus Club on Friday, and we just "girl-talked" for like 3 hours. But "girl-talking" with these girls isn't exactly lady-like, which is awesome. I mean, at one point, Davene showed us how she could hide her flask in her bra. Awesome. Of course we also caught up on Coyote gossip, new interests, plans for the future, and all that jazz.Saturday I had to work, but after that, we went out to dinner in the North End for some excellent Italian food with a crappy waiter who took our wine glasses away before he even carded us. Then, when we asked for the wine menu, he checked all our IDs before even giving us the menu. Weird. But dinner was excellent, as was gelato. :-) We came back to my place to drink, and Marc joined us. Poor Marc. Trying to meet these 3 crazy girls, but of course, he was amazing, and they loved him.

I wish I could list all the reasons why I was laughing so hard, but you wouldn't understand. But for those who were there:
"Apparentlaaaay, we are in the 3rd graaade. Y'all need to grow UP"
"So I was S'ing and P'ing..." You know what it means - I'm trying not to be too vulgar. But how does that work?
"I'm 1/16 Chinese." "What's the rest of you" "Black!"
"Do you need to change your shoes?"
And of course some never have i ever...
Anything I forgot?
We then went out to the bar to celebrate Dave's birthday, and in too short of a time, the night was over. The weekend went soooo quickly, and I attribute it to the fact that we barely stopped laughing. What a great time. :-) Thanks ladies!!

I had an awesome time too! Thanks so much for everything... just remember..in the midst of all the craziness, work and stress... always... always... LAUGH.. it makes everything better!
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