Saturday, October 15, 2005

Miss Independence

Sometimes I fear I'm losing my independence and relying too much on closer friends for my source of fun. But then things like tonight happen. I planned a salsa night out - found a place that has 2 hours of lessons for all levels, sent the appropriate e-mails, etc., and I got 4 people saying they wanted to go. Then one by one they all backed out. Everyone. And I'm not complaining about that - I understand why and don't hold it against them. But I haven't been out to salsa in quite a while, and this was my only chance for the next few weeks, so I went. And I had a blast.
I've been taking rueda (a form of salsa) lessons here at MIT for a month now, and I joined the advanced group tonight at the club for the first hour. Then we had an hour salsa lesson, and then I danced for 3 more hours, pretty much continuously. One nice thing about salsa clubs is that people aren't afraid to ask other people to dance, the guys really aren't that sketchy (in most clubs), and they have to keep their distance! And at the end of the night, I got asked out on a date. ;-)

I was a little nervous about going alone, not knowing anyone at the club, but it was awesome and nothing to worry about. I should remember this when there are other things I want to try out but no one brave/crazy enough to go with me.


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