Thursday, September 15, 2005


I almost feel that my blog is sometimes a laundry list of events and no longer the things in life that I think about yet don't get to talk about. But I do want to tell you all about the wonderful people that I am meeting here and the tremendous city that is Boston. And sometimes it hits me; I'm at MIT. I thought everything about MIT - the students, the buildings, the staff, the faculty (ok, maybe the faculty still do) - would have this aura around it, but it's really not true. Everyone's normal. At least normal to me. And at least the people that come out of their rooms. Everyone loves a nerdy joke or prank, and we're not afraid to talk about it. Everyone asks questions and is mostly excited about their work. Maybe if we were to pit MIT against GT in some sort of competition, MIT would still have the edge. However, much to my surprise, it's not all that different than GT (just a little more extreme, and no football), and I like it here. I really do.


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