Thursday, August 18, 2005

Pack Rat

In my week off between La Romana and moving (next Monday, the 22nd), I've been busy packing, organizing, doing errands, and hanging out with friends as much as possible. But oh man, I'm such a pack rat. Some things I'm okay to get rid of - simple things like movie tickets, stained or ripped clothing, and well, that's about it. I've gotten better over the years, but every time I come home, I'm determined to get rid of more things. However, I maybe donate a bagfull to Goodwill, and then I think that's enough. Anything that I can remember where it came from or if it was from a special event, I don't want to get rid of it.

As I was talking to Rebekah earlier this week, I realized, though, that I'm not the only one. We both realized that we have papers going back 8 years or so that we've kept just in case we need the resource. But, hello!, what is the Internet for? I've used Wikipedia, yet not put 2 and 2 together to realize that I don't need all those papers any more. I am proud to say they are in the trash. Or at least most of them.

Next comes clothing, knick knacks, and stuffed animals. Oy. I think this will all be a little easier when I finally move everything out of my room here, but that could be 5 years from now, once I'm done with MIT. Here's to learning it's OK to throw away!


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