Monday, October 10, 2005


I haven't been feeling inspired at all lately to write in my blog, and I'm still not feeling it. Maybe I'm not motivated to write about things going on here because so many things are going on that it's overwhelming, and I don't know if anyone here reads this, so it's now fun to give people shout-outs.
But some cool things are coming up - Eric comes this weekend, and Melissa comes the following weekend (along with Brian, Leo, and lots of other GT friends), then I go home the following weekend for Eric and Cheryl's wedding!
I also bought skis off of Craig's list but haven't cleaned them up, so there are no pictures yet. But they are shaped Rossignols from 2002 with boots and poles, all for $75. Sweet sweet deal.


At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey biff,

you can shout out to me, i read it. because uva isn't anything like mit..and because i miss you :( good to here you love it there :)

At 2:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl I miss you! I am in the midst of practicing for finals for mock rock. How is everything going for you? I'd love to hear bout all your new adventures and such... drop me a line!


At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so it appears i said here when i meant hear - good thing i'm an engineer and nobody cares what i say anyway...:-P


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