Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Since when did California become about inequality?

Wow, it has been a long time since I've posted. I actually have about 5 blogs half-written, but none posted yet. I am going to work on that (perhaps today on the plane, as I head off to DC/Baltimore for the Society of Women Engineers conference). I should first say that I'm nervous and excited about Obama, but what a great day for America. Californians were also amazing in their support for farm animals. They chose to eliminate certain types of crates for veal and pigs as well as battery cages for chickens. That means the animals will be able to move and turn around their whole lives, which is NOT how they have lived so far! This is a great step toward reducing animal suffering (prior to when they are killed of course, but we don't have to go there now). This is a great step.

What I really wanted to write about (and now I'm almost out of time since I need to get to my flight) was how disappointed I am that 52% of the Californians that voted did so to ban same sex marriages. This is not just a law - it goes in the state constitution. I am even more disappointed, as a Christian, that other Christians chose to vote yes. We, as Christians and as Americans, are supposed to be about equality and separation of church and state, and this amendment that now looks like it is going to pass violates BOTH of those things. I am saddened for my state, the people of the state, and especially for my gay friends who deserve the right to marry.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Kim Hannemann said...

Can I agree 200%? Or more? It's terrible, and I can hardly believe the Californians who voted truly understood for what they were voting - although I read the summary and it's pretty straightforward.

It's so easy to be nasty to someone who's not like you.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger r g said...

I have to agree too - I've never understood how marriage is even allowed to be defined by a state's constitution, regardless of the particular definition you choose - it seems to go against everything America is supposed to stand for. And I did think California of all places would have the respect to say this isn't within our rights to regulate...

Potentially worse though is the Arkansas law that passed preventing unmarried couples from adopting. It's one thing to say you have to use a different word than "marriage" but it's another to say we'd rather let these babies and children stay in an orphanage or get tossed from foster home to foster home than have them grow up with two mommies or two daddies. That just depresses me. Perhaps I'll move to Europe.

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Biff said...

I agree with both of you. We can hope that lawsuits or other plans will give a different outcome!


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