Monday, September 18, 2006


So I did finally get to go running on Friday. :-) When I went running with V Sunday, he mentioned how he likes to push himself when running, but that's something I rarely do because I feel that even running at all is pushing myself. But since I had a long week and hadn't really worked out in 5 days, I decided I would push myself Friday. The most I had run since crew in high school was what I run pretty regularly - about 3 miles. But Friday I ran 4.6 miles! There were times when I wanted to stop, but I just kept going, and I made it all the way around my loop without walking. I'm really proud of myself!

I think I need to push myself to run my regular 3 mile loop faster, and when I have time, I'll do the 4.6 loop. It's funny that I enjoy running (as long as I can go my pace) now. I do think I need new shoes, though, and I need to keep up with my ankle strengthening exercises, because my ankles are often the thing that hurts the most.

Maybe some day I'll be Rebekah. ;-) Or Alan. Or Mike. Those crazy kids!


At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Just a word (or two) of advice though from one of the crazies: please please please do buy new shoes. Don't put more than about 300 miles on a pair of shoes, and be sure to go to a place where they'll make sure you have the right shoes for your stride. Shoes are the easiest way to hurt yourself when you start picking up the mileage. I'll get down off my soap box now to say I'm really proud of you, and quite excited that we crazy runner people are in the process of training another recruit. Welcome ot the club :) Yay Biff!


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