Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Post NYC

Sorry it's been taking me a while to update throughout this summer. I definitely thought it would be easier to do once school was over, but it's hard to do at work, and once I get home, I never want to get on the computer. I also feel that I question less and post more updates about what I do each week. I think that's because when I have a thought I want to expound on, I'm in a place where I can't immediately blog or where I just don't want to sit in front of a computer more. Maybe graduate school will be a mixture of the two.

As for my trip to New was a lot of fun. I took the 6:30 AM bus (which, much to my surprise) was surrounded by hookers all up and down the street. I didn't know people picked up hookers at 6:30 AM on a Friday morning. The bus ride was painless, and my suggestion is to take over the 3 seats in the back and then you can lay down to sleep. Oh, and bring your own toilet paper.
In NY, I met up with Eric at Ground Zero. My thoughts on that place are all over the board. Right now there is a fence around the entire site with a small memorial along one side. I was definitely moved not by the sight or the memorial, but just by the thought of the panic these people must have felt and the bravery and lost lives of those who entered the building to help others out. For those memories, I don't think anything should be built on top of the site other than a memorial. The current, plan, though, is to build the Freedom Tower as well as memorials where the Twin Towers once stood. Part of me feels that this is a good plan because we need to stand up to the terrorists and rebuild ourselves. I also know that I wouldn't want to work in that building, but maybe because I'm too emotional about this particular subject.

Anyways, that afternoon, Eric and I had lunch in Central Park, explored SoHo and some other neighborhoods, visited Rockefeller Center and the surroundings, randomly ran into a girl that was my class at TJ (my high school). Then I headed up on the train to my grandparents house near West Point, where I hadn't been in about 5 years. My grandmother just had her kidney removed because it had cancer, but she is doing really well, and the cancer didn't spread. I also saw a whole slew of other family, so it was just really nice to visit with everyone and explore Highland Falls again, where I spent much of my summer every year while growing up.

I can't believe how fast this summer is going. Next week I'm in San Jose for a NASA symposium for the fellowship I won for next year, then a week of work, then the Dominican Republic, then a week of whatever, then Boston! In somewhat unrelated news, it's cool because my best friend Lindsay and I now have enough in common to talk. I mean really talk. All the 207 girls know what I mean. :-) Now we'll never get bored in the Dominican Republic - mojitos in hand, sunbathing, and talking.


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