cops + badges/handcuffs/guns + drinks = an excellent night
So Lindsay met this guy Jeremy at a work cookout I took her to, who happens to work for the Diplomatic Security Services (J is the cousin of someone at The Aerospace Corporation). They hit it off that night and have since been hanging out some. So last night after the excellent engagement party Beth threw for BJ and Kim, we went out to Clarendon to a bar with Jeremy and his friend Adam, who, as they say, is in the "protection" business at the Pentagon. The bar was cool, and we also got to hang out with Hellman and Rob (Lindsay's friend whom we both hung out with when I lived in Pasadena). It was awesome seeing Rob again because he's so freaking funny and fun to hang out with. (And on a side note, Thursday we went out with Matt and Alex to karaoke, and those two together tell ridiculously funny stories, so that was awesome.)Back on's interesting hanging out with those kind of guys for many reasons. For one thing, they know all these tricks to inflict pain in very simple ways, and they decided it would be fun to try these out on Lindsay and me. If they weren't trained with these skills for their jobs, that would be too intimidating for me; but instead, it's kind of hot. They're also a number of years older than us, which I never thought much about, but that's kind of hot too.
As for the rest of the night, Rob and Matt left a little before 1, and just before the bar closed, we headed out with the boys and hung out for a few more hours. So, it was a good night. :-)
And lastly, people often say that men in uniform are hot. These guys don't wear uniforms and have no "cop paraphernalia" other than a gun and badge. So, my question is: Do men in uniform really turn women on? Or is it the idea of the power that is implied by the uniform or the job, and the uniform really isn't necessary?

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