A Jaunt to New York City
Before I rehash more of my exciting past, let's jump to the present. Or at least very recent past. Just after the start of winter break, as I was nervously awaiting grades to come out, my boyfriend Joey IMed me and said they had an extra spot in their trip NYC and asked if I wanted to come along. Of course! As Livia pointed out to me, when else can I get up and leave for a weekend with two days' notice and actually have some fun. At this point, I was a little wary because the other people on the trip were Joey's friends from high school, and I didn't want to feel like an intruder. I'm sure everyone has those feelings at some point as we make new friends and have to introduce them to old one, but why let those things bother me? Everything was fine. So we took the Chinatown bus on Friday from DC to NY (real sketch), and after a long and hungry ride (bring food with you on the bus if you ever take one!), we arrived in NYC.We did a lot of touristy things like the Statue of Liberty, the Metropolitan Museum of Art (where they were nice enough to give us all free entrance because I had my military ID), Rockefeller Center, Central Park, Times Square, etc.

On our last night there, we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. We were sitting in the back of the restaurant, when none other but this man came and sat at the table next to us:

(If you're slow, this is Kelly, the Apprentice 2 winner)
This was only my second celebrity sighting (the first was when we saw Bono at the restaurant we ate at for Prom). We didn't let on that we knew who he was, and I tried convincing our group that we should take a picture and happen to get him in the background, but no luck.
We left the next morning and just made the bus (they literally pulled away the second we stepped on), and the return trip was much better because of less traffic. (Oh gosh I hate traffic. Darius still hates me for it, but I once turned around from driving to visit him in VA Beach because there was too much traffic.)
So my lessons learned that weekend:
NYC is a lot of fun, but I don't think I want to live there
Patience is something I still lack, but I think I am getting better at dealing with things either out of my control or that just don't really matter. So now the real question is do I have patience when things are in my control or do really matter? And what really matters anyway? Maybe a topic for another blog...
I can deal with the cold, so maybe going to graduate school at MIT or Colorado wouldn't be too horrible
The only celebrity I want to meet, whom I have met several times is Bill Gates. And I still want to meet/talk to him for many more times.
Yea I know he is not really a “celebrity” but he is to me.
About your trip, Ive never been to NY, perhaps someday!
I can agree that NY is a great place tro visit (have been to see Beauty&Beast as well as Phantom of the Opera) but wouldn't want to live there.
And yes, Traffic sucks.
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