Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I arrive in the blogging world

So I have been sucked somewhat willingly, somewhat unwillingly into creating a blog. I've never been much of a blog reader (Eric has to inform me when my roommates have particularly sad blogs so I can go talk to them), so I wonder why this new realm has attracted me. I suppose I want to write down all my personal feelings and beliefs, not post some of them for fear of any backlash that might ensue, and then hope that people will read and sympathize with the ones that do make it to my blog. Or maybe it's that I'm at home without my roommates whom I normally tell everything, and I feel like I need to talk to someone. Or myself.

I don't know quite what I want my blog to be, but I hope that it will be more than my sixth grade journal where I just wrote about the boys that I had crushes on. While that provides for entertaining reading nowadays (I can't believe how I could change my crush every day, literally!), I hope for something a little more meaningful -- at least to me.

So what is to come?, you may wonder. Well I think pictures are fun, so I think I'll put a little life summary up, with pictures to accompany my thrilling story. And if you want more pictures, go to www.ofoto.com, the username is biffbabe@hotmail.com, and IM me at 'biffbabe' for the password.


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