Thursday, December 28, 2006

PhD Pros and Cons

It's about time I start writing out the pros and cons of staying at MIT now to get a PhD. I very much welcome your feedback and thoughts! Even if you never comment, now's the time!

Why I Should
I'm already at MIT, so it's easy to stay
I have partial outside funding
If I go to the MVL, I have been guaranteed full funding for 3 years
I think I want a PhD
If I leave and want a PhD later, it would be hard to come back to school later
I would miss school a little
I would have to leave Boston without having really spent enough time there
What if I need a PhD later in my life?
I might regret not getting a PhD

Why I Shouldn't

I don't know what I really want to focus on - I'm not even sure in what area I would like to do my research
I don't know how getting a PhD will relate to what I want to do with my life (I don't really need a PhD for what I think I want to do with my life)
I'm kind of sick of school
I don't seem to have time to explore Boston anyways while I'm in school
I have multiple good job offers
I could earn a lot more if I get a job
I could get a PhD later if I figure out what I'm really interested in

So I'm studying away each day to prepare for quals and I'm so utterly confused. I'm putting off the decision, but then again, each day that I keep studying, I'm effectively making a decision. People keep telling me I can't make a "wrong" decision, but I certainly feel that I can. I'm just so confused that I want to cry, but I don't, and I don't even know if I can.


At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness, I wish I could give you a straight answer on what exactly you should do, but I don't think that it's fair to you. Life just really sucks like this sometimes.

You could always take quals, pass them, and then postpone your decision a few more weeks (which is what I think you are doing right now anyways). That gives you the option to come back easily if you decide that you want the PhD even if you do go out into industry.


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